Over the past eight months, Thomas Savage, aka Vilde, has been steadily sharing his study-dance ruminations, such as previous List Pick ‘High Horse’, which we praised for its agile, improvised style. Newest release ‘Fully Fledged’ is a more formally structure composition. It translates a haunting quality, inspired by a trip to the Czech Republic where Savage took the opportunity to collect a unique vocal sample. “I collected a sample of a woman’s voice flooding the town over loudspeakers with safely drill information," he explains. "I’m not necessarily one for opportuning a potential sample, but this one was a no brainer. It induced the town (from my perspective at least) with such an apocalyptic vibe.” The eerie sound of a public safety announcement meshes with a cracking drum beat, dropping bass line and a running guitar line, which themselves possess an air of doom, of the inevitable end that the unceasing notes are building up to. There’s something tangibly beautiful about Vilde’s loss of hope in ‘Fully Fledged’, his floating vocal repeating the sentiment, “I don’t want to believe in anything, I don’t want to abide”. - HT
